Una Playhouse mágica - Olivia

A magical playhouse - Olivia


There is no better moment for us than seeing the faces of a child and their parents when they receive their personalized Playhouse.

We love sitting down to talk with our clients and start imagining what the wooden playhouse will be like for their little ones. We think of every detail so that it has a specific function with a beautiful design that matches the client's taste and style. In addition, each Playhouse takes its name from the boy or girl who was our inspiration to create it.

Today we want to show you the Olivia Playhouse , our first indoor playhouse with a delicate style, grey roof and pink details, a lemonade stand bar and roof, a white wallpaper with romantic details, and Jesy Almaguer 's magical touch in the decoration as the final touch for this very special project for Oli, her daughter. It was Olivia's Christmas gift, and it was created step by step so that Santa's helpers could deliver it on time.

Don't miss the details of this beautiful session that Jesy did!
little wooden house
Playhouse Mexico
Kids decor
cubby house

Photo: Jesy Almaguer
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